Mindscape is an interactive method and graphic mapping tool that offers an exploration into the construction of our intuitive thoughts.
Creating a Mindscape individually is a process of self-inquiry, a mindfulness practice that directs attention to a place of observation, a position of inner-awareness.
Mindscape can also be used to explore interpersonal/ social dynamics, where the schematic visualization of Mindscape allows us to explore the relationships, patterns, and puzzles in the everyday thoughts that impact how we engage with one another.
Both applications of the Mindscape tool will be pursued in this immersive interactive three-hour workshop.
Date: Friday, Nov 19, 2021
Time: 9:30 - 12.30
9h30 - 11h00
- Introduction of the project
- Conceptual examples of the project (individual and interpersonal case scenarios)
- Applications of Mindscape (have a volunteer to create a mindscape)
11h00 - 11h10
11h10 - 11h40
Breakout room into groups
11h40 - 12h30
Coming back to the main room to present findings and further discussion
Participant Questionnaire
The following questionnaire is intended to shape the Mindscape workshop hosted online by the Convergence Initiative on Friday, November 19, 2021.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please respond to the following questions so facilitators can tailor this edition of the project to best suit your interests.

About Charlotte Qin
Charlotte Qin 秦 超 穎
is a Chinese-born Canadian artist, scientist, mythmaker based in Geneva, Switzerland
Charlotte’s artistic journey has been meandering like Water, the personal mythology that evoked her curiosity since her childhood. She studied physics at McGill University in Montreal, Canada and at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. After learning scientific methodologies for questioning nature, she began her exploration of Taoist, shamanistic, feminist, and psychological themes. In 2019, she graduated from the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London, UK, with a double master's degree in Innovation Design Engineering. Embodying her Chinese heritage and Western scientific training, Charlotte's works subtly blend science, nature, and mysticism and take different forms such as painting, performance art, and scientific visualization. She speaks of water as the medium that reveals the essence of life and connects all living beings. Her meditation on water and performance in natural water bodies invite us to rethink our interdependence with nature.
"My artwork comes from an urgency to elevate art as a form of modern shamanism that restores our instinctive connection with the source and to create the cultural intelligence that would take care of the social-ecosystem with Art and Science."
QinTheory 秦 論 Studio has emerged from Charlotte's creative practice in interaction with various sectors in the society since 2018. Her clients come from the domain of science, technology, international relations, economics, legal justice, etc. She has also been invited to present her work and participate at events across the UK, Europe, and North America.
About Julia Griffiths
Julia Griffiths
Is a Canadian drama therapist based in Montreal, Quebec.
Having completed a BAH in English Literature, Julia has always been interested in the relationship between telling one’s story and the universalizing capacity narrative can offer when one’s story is told. Curious to explore the dynamics between self-inquiry and our relation to the Other, Julia pursued training in both psychology and community theatre and continued to a master’s in drama therapy- graduating in 2018.
Julia’s current clinical practice offers an inquiry into the constitutive lack in our subjectivity- illuminating the gap between “what I am to myself” and “what I am to others” as a contradiction that can be explored dialectically as a practice of resolve. Julia primarily uses projection, spontaneous story & play enactment, and composite-self mapping to explore this state of inquiry.
“The idea that we both know and are in control of ourselves is a fallacy that I doubt will ever run tired of showing where our work lies- both within and in the ways we engage with one another. My practice seeks to play with that imagined certainty until we shake loose its false promise of freedom to instead take up the emancipatory project of a Self that is constantly in the project of becoming. Better yet, my practice fosters a comfort in and love toward that becoming.”