Andre Noack
Video (4 minutes 34 seconds)
I am fascinated by the collision of
visuals and sound and how
it adds to the meaning.
My work focuses on the neuroscience of emotions in the context of videos and music. I am fascinated by the collision of visuals and sound and how it adds to the meaning. In movies and documentaries, music is used to generate feelings and emotions combined with the moving images to enhance the transported message. However, in my approach, I aim to break the relation between pictures and music by producing two completely different associations between videos and sound. Emotions can sometimes not be controlled but influenced. The context of the work should impact the work’s relationship with the viewers’ emotions.
Music is a medium that helps me to manage my emotions on many levels. Certain types of music intensify my happiness; some enhance my sadness. Sometimes the same music works differently or not at all. I am also intrigued by music in movies since it intensifies senses and fills them with emotions on a different and higher level. How can I modify and convert associations to music and trigger other emotions to specific music types combined with moving images? How are we experiencing and managing emotions? Intrigued by these questions, I began to wonder about creating the opposite visual to a particular track. My vision is to generate consciousness of different emotions in different situations triggered by music and video. The audience investigates their perception with acoustic signals and visual influences to explore the unconsciousness of emotions and feelings.
My project “Contra.Sense” is a multi-media installation in the form of different abstract videos that embody various sentiments. In contrast, the music played in these videos does not enhance the visuals. The work takes on various forms intended to draw the viewer into the subconsciousness of emotions. I aim to create a collision of feelings. The videos will be made out of everyday situations. The visualizations will be interpreted abstractly and alienated so that their ordinary associations disappear in such a way that the audience can focus on the images’ visual quality. Viewers might have the possibility to guess what the video is showing.
“Contra.Sense” is aiming to test the perception of moving images. Everybody has emotions, and those have a substantial impact on everybody’s life and are triggered by different, unusual, or multiple factors. By exploring the abstract world of the unknown in combination with sound, every individual will investigate their own emotions, discover an extra dimension in feelings and generate different responses in the form of an emotion or feeling.
I am frequently looking for roads to the unexpected. An ironic twist to images and music, or other things one might expect. Or the combination of all of them. Provoking the audience towards new and perhaps unexplored territories.
- Andre Noack

Audio Commentary